Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Take Home Exam…..dikumpulkan satu minggu setelah menerima soal Ekonomi Terapan Dr. Yunastiti Purwaningsih, MP

Take Home Exam…..dikumpulkan satu minggu setelah menerima soal
Ekonomi Terapan
Dr. Yunastiti Purwaningsih, MP

1.      What are the differences between the CPI and the implicit deflator for GDP? Which do you think is a better measure of inflation?

2.      Consider how each of the following events is likely to affect real GDP. Do you think the change in real GDP reflects a similar change in economic well-being?
a.       Badai di Florida memaksa Disney World tutup selama sebulan.
b.       Penemuan bibit padi baru yang mudah tumbuh meningkatkan panen pertanian.
c.        Meningkatnya ketegangan diantara serikat pekerja dan manajemen memicu mogok kerja.
d.       Perusahaan yang ada di perekonomian mengalami penurunan permintaan, sehingga melakukan PHK kepada para pekerjanya.
e.       DPR memberlakukan UU lingkungan baru yang melarang perusahaan untuk menggunakan metode produksi yang menimbulkan polusi berat.
f.         Lebih banyak pelajar SMU yang keluar dari sekolah untuk bekerja sebagai pemotong rumput, tukang batu, dll (serabutan).
g.       Semua ayah di perkonomian (atau di dalam negara) memilih mengurangi jam kerja dan menghabiskan waktu lebih banyak untuk berkumpul bersama keluarga.

3.      Use the IS/LM diagram to show what would happen to real output and interest rates when the following policy changes are implemented. In this problem, assume that prices remain constant.
a.       The Fed (Bank Sentral) hires a helicopter to fly around the country and drop an average of $100 for each person.
b.       Congress votes a $100 income tax reduction for everyone in the country.

4.      Explain which of these changes represent a move along the IS curve, and which represent a shift of the IS curve.
a.       Stock market boom boosts consumption and investment.
b.       Government cuts taxes by $50 billion.
c.        Government passes $50 billion public works bill and pays for it with a $50 billion tax increase.
d.       Fed boosts interest rate from 5% to 6%.
e.       Tax receipts fall $30 billion as economy plunges into recession.
f.         Value of the dollar rises 10%, cutting net exports by $40 billion.
g.       Net exports rise $20 billion as Asian economy recovers.
h.       Rise in interest rates diminishes housing starts.
i.         Mortgage interest is no longer deductible, so housing starts decline.

5.      The annual data for the US economy in the 1960s are given below.
                                   1960   1961   1962   1963   1964   1965    1966   1967   1968   1969
Inflation                1.7      1.0       1.0       1.3      1.3      1.6       2.9      3.1       4.2     5.5
Unemployment   5.5     6.7       5.5       5.7      5.2      4.5       3.8      3.8       3.6     3.5

a.       Show these data graphically.
b.       In 1974, the unemployment rate was 5.6%. What would have been the projected inflation rate using the Phillips curve based on these data alone? The actual inflation rate that year was 11.0%. What factors accounted for the additional inflation?

6.      Negara “Kayangan” adalah negara dengan perekonomian terbuka kecil. Gunakan model Mundell Fleming untuk menganalisis apa yang terjadi pada kurs (e), neraca perdagangan (NX) dan pendapatan nasional/output (Y) bila terjadi perubahan dalam perekonomian sebagai berikut :
a.       Domestic auto manufacturers offer zero-interest financing rates on new cars.
b.       Japan changes its policy, encourages more Kayangan’s imports.
c.        War in the Middle East causes oil prices to double for an extended period.
d.       New, ‘‘thinking’’ computers usher in new age of technological marvels.

7.      The steady-state value of k that maximizes consumption is called the Golden Rule level of capital and is denoted k*gold. Figure 7-8 shows the steady state if the saving rate is set to produce the Golden Rule level of capital. Explain that figure.

8.      Using the library or the Internet, find some recent projections for the future path of the Indonesia government debt as a percentage of GDP. What assumptions are made about government spending, taxes, and economic growth? Do you think these assumptions are reasonable?

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